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How Does Workers Compensation Work

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work? Workers’ compensation programs are a system of workers’ comp insurance designed to provide financial benefits and medical expenses to employees who are injured or become sick during the course of their employment. The goal of workers’ compensation benefits is to ensure that employees receive appropriate workers’ compensation coverage for work-related […]

how long do i have to sue for work-related injuries?

“How Long Do I Have to Sue for Work-Related Injuries?”

“How Long Do I Have to Sue for Work-Related Injuries?” In the state of California, injured workers who experience a workplace injury are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to help cover lost wages, medical bills, and other serious injury costs. However, California workers do not have an indefinite amount of time to file a workers’ […]

Can I Reopen A Workers Comp Case?

Can I Reopen a Workers Comp Case?

In general, it is possible to reopen a workers’ compensation case, but it depends on the specific circumstances of the case and the laws in the injured workers’ jurisdiction. In some cases, an injured employee may be able to reopen their case if their condition has worsened or if they have experienced a new injury […]

How Do You Negotiate A Workers' Comp Settlement

Negotiating a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ compensation claim settlements are agreements reached between an injured worker and their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. The settlements are designed to provide injured workers with compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses related to an on the job injury. In general, a workers’ compensation settlement can take two forms: a lump-sum […]

Can I sue My Employer For Not Reporting My Injury?

Can I Sue My Employer For Not Reporting My Injury?

If you have been injured on the job and your employer has not reported your injury, you may have legal options. Generally, employers are required to report workplace injuries to the appropriate government agency or insurance company and to provide workers’ compensation benefits to any injured worker. In most cases, when an employee suffers a […]

Workers Compensation for Remote Workers

Workers Compensation for Remote Workers

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer injuries or illnesses as a result of their work related injury. The specifics of workers compensation laws vary by jurisdiction, but in general, they are designed to provide medical expenses, wage replacement, and other benefits to an injured worker or if […]

Does Worker Comp Pay Lost Wages?

Does Worker Comp Pay Lost Wages?

Wage Loss Compensation Wage loss compensation is a type of workers comp pay that a person can recover in a workers compensation lawsuit. It is intended to compensate the plaintiff for any income or earnings that they have lost as a result of a work related injury. Pay for lost wages is an important part […]