Ornate Roman pillar

Employment Lawyer Sacramento

Lawyers for Justice, PC has a presence in California’s capital fighting for workers’ rights. Many California employees face unfair work conditions at some point in their career, whether its wage and hour disputes, unfair business practices, fraudulent employment agreements, workplace harassment, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, or whistleblower retaliation, to name a few.

California law requires that employers cannot discriminate against employees or take advantage of them in a way that would impact their wage (like not allowing them to take proper rest breaks). However, big businesses and corporations sometimes still engage in illegal activities.

Lawyers for Justice, PC is a firm of Sacramento employment lawyers with a strong understanding of employment discrimination, personal injury, and California employee rights. The law firm has brought cases against the largest companies and has over a decade of legal experience fighting for those who need a voice the most.

Sacramento Labor Law Violations

Sacramento employees have a lawful right to privacy in the workplace, which applies to their personal possessions like purses, backpacks, briefcases, or any type of storage bin that only the employee has access to. This privacy also includes any mail that is addressed to an assigned employee.

Worker privacy also spills over into conversations they are having on personal phone calls, however, those same rights don’t apply to work-related e-mails and internet usage while an employee is on the clock or working from a work computer.

Employee Rights in Sacramento:

Prospective employees also have rights, which also include the right not to be discriminated against based upon characteristics like race, national origin, religion, age, or gender during the interview process.

An employer may not ask an applicant about their religious beliefs or make any lewd harassing remarks.

Types Of Employment Law Cases We Handle:

In addition to discrimination, wage and hour issues, and the harassment outlined earlier, any unfair treatment of a San Francisco worker due to their national origin is also unacceptable.

National origin discrimination violates California laws and attorneys see it in the California employment industry more times than one may think. And sometimes it can bring about an employment law suit. Whether a worker has suffered discrimination or been fired from a position illegally or wrongfully, the employment lawyers in Sacramento at Lawyers for Justice, PC can help and provide legal advice.

Employers Know Better

Perhaps the most frustrating part about having to hire an employment law firm to represent clients in a Sacramento employment court case is that most times, the employers know they are acting unlawfully. The Sacramento employment lawyers at LFJ have a deep understanding of the employment laws, and provide specialized services that help clients who need help the most.

Employers should never harass employees, or allow other employees to harass their coworkers based in part upon sexual orientation or national origin. Employers must also be aware of harassment and discrimination in their workplace, otherwise they are negligent.

When Sacramento clients come to the Lawyers for Justice, PC law firm and are represented by the Sacramento lawyers, they come away with legal advice and a strong legal strategy of how to move forward and fight against employers who could have stopped harassment in the first place.

A Sacramento Firm That Assists Clients

Sacramento is not only the state capital of California, but it is also one of the most highly-populated regions in the state. Lawyers for Justice, PC’s Sacramento area labor law attorneys fight for many Sacramento residents when they experience unpaid wages, unpaid overtime. wrongful termination, hostile work environment cases, sexual harassment at work, and workplace injury.

Lawyers for Justice, PC is a Sacramento employment law firm that fights for workers and helps them fight back against the bully bosses who showed them discrimination. The firm’s super lawyers represent Sacramento residents who have suffered discrimination, harassment, unpaid wages, workplace injuries, and other work-related issues.

The employment lawyer team at LFJ know how frustrating it can be to be stuck in a workplace that treats workers unfairly – and because of that, the law firm makes law and legal services more accessible. The law firm works on a contingency basis, which means the Sacramento attorneys are not paid unless they win your case. The law firm collects zero up-front fees for its clients to retain legal services.

Employment Attorneys in Sacramento Fighting Discrimination

Lawyers for Justice, PC has nearly fifteen years of experience fighting against discrimination and upholding California’s employment laws. The firm has taken on huge corporations – and won – to ensure that justice was served to the employees who were mistreated.

LFJ’s Sacramento employment law attorneys have extensive experience dealing with intricate employment laws and always fight to ensure their clients get the wage and respect they deserve in the workplace. The employment lawyer team at Sacramento Lawyers for Justice, PC employs labor lawyers who aren’t afraid to fight, and who always use their powerful voice to stand up for employees.

An Orange County Employment Lawyer That Cares

Whether employees have experienced sexual harassment, wrongful termination, sustained a personal injury, faced discrimination because of sexual orientation, or other types of employment law violations, the Orange County labor attorney firm that many trust is Lawyers for Justice, PC.

The employment law firm represents employees across California in employment claims against their employer or even fellow employees. The LFJ law offices are proud to practice law and offer a free consultation for employees seeking to file employment law cases because the team understands how daunting finding an employment lawyer in Sacramento can be.

Employees can be exploited or abused by their employer when they speak up for themselves. But the employment law attorney team at Lawyers for Justice, PC knows how to build an employment law case that strongly positions the employee to win.

How is an Employment Law Case Settled?

After Lawyers for Justice, PC’s employment law attorneys are successful in winning a case, the employment law attorney can negotiate a settlement on behalf of the employee before the case is filed.

LFJ’s employment attorney team in Sacramento always strives to get the most for employees.

What Are My Rights As An Employee In California? FAQ

The federal and California state employment law has become more complex.

How Does Hiring A Lawyer Work?  – FAQ

Contact an Experienced Sacramento Employment Lawyer

If you live or work in the Sacramento metropolitan area and are experiencing workplace harassment, missing wages, or something else you think might be unlawful, call Lawyers for Justice, PC today for a FREE consultation at (818) 647-9323. The Sacramento labor law attorneys defend California workers and residents to make sure they have a powerful voice and receive justice in the workplace.

Visit Our Employment Law Office in Sacramento, CA

Lawyers for Justice, PC is conveniently located at 1201 J Street, Sacramento CA 95814. Call us at (818) 647-9323 to schedule your free case review. Our employment attorneys are here to help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Explore how we can help you

Employment Law
At Lawyers for Justice we’re experienced in handling all cases of employment law. We cover each of these practice areas on a contingency fee basis – meaning you don’t pay until we win.
Work Injuries
If you’ve been hurt or injured at work, you could be entitled to compensation by filing a work injury lawsuit.
Work Injuries
Consumer Rights
In California consumers are safeguarded against unfair practices in the marketplace. Every time they purchase something and agree to the transaction terms they are involved in a legal transaction, even if it’s just a quick click on the computer.
Consumer rights
Catastrophic & Personal Injuries
At Lawyers for Justice we have handled many complex lawsuits involving catastrophic injuries causing life-changing effects in Los Angeles. We are with you until the end to make sure your case gets the result you need.
Catastrophic personal injuries