What Are Sexual Harassment Behaviors?
Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203
Workplace Sexual Harassment
Since 2016, nearly 3 in 4 workplace sexual harassment incidents are unreported, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Despite the #MeToo and #TimeIsUp movements, which brought to light many of the unconscionable experiences women face in workplace settings, sexual harassment is still an underreported crisis, both in California and nationally.
But why?
Many sexual assault victims refrain from reporting behavior of a sexual nature by coworkers or employers in their hostile work environment because they feel they will not be believed.
Other workers feel that reporting behavior that is considered sexual harassment will jeopardize their employment or negatively impact their future careers.
Even worse, some sexual assault victims wrongly feel they were partially to blame for the unwelcome sexual advances. However, it is important to know that the only culprit in a sexual harassment case is the sexual pursuant – not the sexual harassment victim. No employee deserves to experience verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. All employees have rights under the Civil Rights Act and state laws.
Sexual harassment takes many forms and some California workers do not understand all the ways in which they could be victims of sexual comments, offensive conduct, gender stereotypes, quid pro quo harassment, sexist comments, and more subtle forms of sexual harassment behaviors.
Sexual Harassment Behaviors
Types of sexual harassment behaviors include:
- Quid Pro Quo Harassment: This is when an employee is offered something for performing sexual favors, enduring treatment of a sexual nature, is positioned with requests for sexual favors, with the promise of a benefit to them. For example, an employee might be treated with sexual behavior from an employer and the employer may offer them a raise if they withstand the sexual conduct.
- Sexual Jokes: This verbal harassment type of harassment includes offensive remarks made in the workplace that have a sexual nature in tone. The person making the sexual joke might not view their behavior as harassment and may claim their remarks are offhand comments, but that does not excuse their offensive behavior. This category of sexual harassment includes comments about a person’s sexual preferences, his or her sex life, and also any sexually suggestive gestures used while making sexual jokes.
- Unwanted Touching: While this may seem broad, this is can be a non-verbal type of sexual harassment that includes any type pf physical contact that is unwanted from one person to another. Unwanted touching sexual harassment while at work may include butt slapping, unwanted kissing, or attempted rape. These are all overt forms of unwanted touching sexual harassment. But giving a back massage or neck rub at someone’s desk can also be a form on physical harassment and sexual conduct that is a bit more subtle.
A good employment attorney is well-versed on all forms of sexual harassment and can help you understand if the harassing behavior you might be experiencing at work constitutes as sexual conduct or a hostile work environment. Lawyers for Justice, PC has been fighting for California employees for over a decade and have helped victims of illegal harassment fight back against their abusers.
Civil rights law prohibits sexual harassment within the workplace. Nevertheless, the current society confuses the definition of sexual abuse and harassing behaviors as sex abuse. Of course, offending behavior such as sexual promotions or offers being offered is relatively straightforward. As more California workers become aware of requests for sexual favors and activity that constitutes a hostile work environment, they are able to make more discerning choices to report inappropriate behavior.
More sex offenders are becoming cunning in their interactions with victims. They try and form a dependent relationship between them and use tactics that do not set off “sexual harassment” red flags right away.
The attorney client relationship between the lawyers at Lawyers for Justice, PC and their clients is a strong one you can trust. The sexual harassment lawyers are able to shed light on what is a behavior that would constitute sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Occurs Between All Types of Workers
Sexual harassment includes any type of unwelcome conduct and does not have to be between a subordinate and a victim’s supervisor. There could be quid pro quo sexual harassment between business partners or board members, too. In today’s society, sexual harassment can be nuanced and take many forms. But as long as there is a negative consequence involved because of sexual comments or harassment in the workplace, there could be a sexual harassment case built.
The attorneys at Lawyers for Justice, PC offer a confidential consultation for prospective clients to help them understand what is considered sexual harassment because we understand how delicate sexual harassment in the workplace cases can be.
A sexual harassment attorney defines sexual harassment for clients and can help them build a strong case to retaliate.
What are Characteristics of Someone Who Has Been Sexually Harassed?
The effects of sexual harassment can be broad, and may effect some people emotionally, while affecting others physically. If someone isn’t sure if they have experienced harassment in the workplace but are observing the following symptoms, there could be cause for concern:
- Headaches
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Sleep disturbances or nightmares
- Tiredness
- Skin reactions
- Weight fluctuations
- Sexual issues
- Anxiety or panic attacks
Call Lawyers for Justice, PC today if you think there is a possibility you have been sexually harassed in the workplace so we can help. Call 818-647-9323 and get more resources here.
Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203