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How Often Are Wrongful Termination Cases Won in California

How Often Are Wrongful Termination Cases Won in California?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely considering pursuing a wrongful termination suit. You’re probably equally interested in your chances of success and therefore wondering, How often are wrongful termination cases won in California? Determining your chances of winning a lawsuit involves thoroughly reviewing your employment history, your employer’s reasons for firing you, any relevant communications […]

laid off from work

Recently Laid Off from Work | Do I Have Legal Options?

Employees face many difficult questions after learning they’ve been laid off from work. Can I afford to pay my rent next month? How will I feed my family? Do I still have healthcare coverage? In a best-case scenario, an employer is ready to answer questions and offer guidance about rights and options for employees affected […]

how do i know if i was wrongfully terminated

Spotting Wrongful Termination: 5 Signs You’ve Been Unfairly Fired

Losing a job is a devastating event that can have long-ranging consequences for employees and their families. Dealing with a sudden termination is all the more challenging when your employer fires you for unfair or undeserved reasons. Many unexpectedly dismissed employees wonder if they could have a legal case against their company. In California, employers […]

Can An Employer Withhold A Paycheck For Any Reason?

Can an Employer Withhold a Paycheck for Any Reason?

In California, employers are prohibited from withholding an entire paycheck for any reason. However, they may withhold certain amounts for valid reasons. It’s crucial for employers to adhere to California labor laws regarding paycheck distribution to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues. In accordance with California final paycheck law, if an employee resigns and provides […]

I got hurt at work and they fired me

“I got hurt at work and they fired me.”

Workers compensation benefits can be awarded to injured workers who experience a workplace injury. However, in some instances, a work related injury may prompt an employer to fire an employee for a work injury so they can evade health insurance premiums, the workers compensation system, and paying medical benefits to injured employees. Workers compensation issues […]

How much can I sue for pregnancy discrimination

How Much Can I Sue For Pregnancy Discrimination?

The rights of pregnant workers have come a long way in the past 50 years. Thanks to state and federal laws, employees today shouldn’t have to worry that their choice to start a family will jeopardize their jobs. However, just because pregnancy discrimination is illegal doesn’t mean it’s not happening. In this blog post, we’ll […]

ways to prove wrongful termination

6 Critical Ways to Prove Wrongful Termination

Proving you’ve been wrongfully terminated is more challenging than many employees expect. Employers can often cover their tracks by offering false but legitimate reasons for letting an employee go, like attendance issues, poor performance, or personality differences. Unless you can produce convincing evidence otherwise, it may be difficult to hold your employer legally responsible—or recover […]