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5 Facts About Stripper Minimum Pay Wage Laws

5 Facts About Stripper Minimum Pay Wage Laws

The adult entertainment industry is a behemoth. And just like employers in other corporate environments and industries, strip club owners have been accused of treating their employees unfairly. Like other service industry jobs – such as servers and bartenders in a restaurant or the vast majority of hospitality workers in a hotel or resort – […]

Understanding Meal Break Violations

Understanding Meal Break Violations

Do you have an understanding of meal break violations? As a California employee, you are usually allowed to take three breaks during your work day – and it is illegal for your employer to restrict you from taking them.. Have you been taking your uninterrupted breaks? There are strict state rules employers must follow that […]

What Does the California At-Will Employment Mean?

What Does California At-Will Employment Mean?

In California, the relationship between an employee and employer is known as “at-will” employment. It means that in an employee’s permanent appointment, there can be a California labor law probationary period that an employee enters under the law. The probationary period suggests that an employer may terminate an employment relationship at any time during the […]

What Is PAGA?

What Is PAGA?

What is PAGA? The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) gives employees in California the right to file lawsuits against employers that violate the California Labor Code. Enacted in 2004 to help advance the enforcement of California labor law protections, the statute lets workers file a lawsuit on behalf of groups of employees. Aggrieved employees can […]

California Meal and Rest Break Laws

California Meal and Rest Break Laws

California law requires employers to provide meal breaks and rest breaks to California employees. A meal break and rest breaks are important for workers, as being hungry and tired negatively affects productivity and interactions with coworkers and customers. Meal breaks and rest periods give employees a reasonable opportunity to relax and time to rejuvenate so […]